Usually, People prefers cheap or free web hosting for their sites where you don’t have to pay a penny to make your site live on the internet. And as we know that there is a long list of web hosting providers on the internet who tends to provide you their top free web hosting and services. But people should be aware of the disadvantages of free web hosting services and why they should avoid it. So here we are gonna discuss why people should avoid free web hosting. Always Avoid Free Web Hosting Services but you can Buy Low Cost 1 web hosting with free domain name per month just pay $2.49 only USA and all other countries just $1/mo hosting.Know more Why People Should Avoid Free Web Hosting Services?
Let’s start with knowing what is free web hosting?
As you can guess it by its name ‘free web hosting’ it is the service that most of the people want to get this service for free. And most of us would prefer to buy a free domain name and hosting because it is a non-paid web hosting service. And here is the long list of Avoid free web hosting sites that comes with many limitations that you must know.
All these sites that act as providing you with your own free domain name and hosting and you might be get attracted towards these offers. But you need to know the major issues that arrive with non-paid hosting. Generally, we build a website to get revenue from it but in case of non paid hosting site, you won’t be able to earn a dime.
Services that you only can get with paid web hosting but not with non-paid hosting
Here we’ll discuss the web hosting services and some main features that you only will get with paid web hosting but not in free web hosting
- Complete control over your site
- Better ranking on search engine
- Option to share your links to another person
- Can earn with your blogging
- Your own domain name that contributes to your brand
- Safety of your data
The features which a website requires to be popular and to earn revenue and these features you only can get with paid web hosting. We all know that there is nothing that you can get easily and free. People who don’t have much knowledge about technical things can easily be caught in free offers and deals. So this blog might be helpful for them.
Limitations Of Free Web Hosting
There is nothing that comes up for free without any catch and here I’m gonna present you some common issues that can affect your site when you seize it for free
A free hosted blog can close at any time
This could be a major issue for your website data because free web hosting company can die and stop their free services at any time. As per the company’s terms and conditions, they would definitely inform you before getting their services close. But there is no use of it you have to move all of your data and you can’t redirect your links to your new domain when they completely stop providing their services. And then the problem arrives that you can’t even save your old links and your links would die.
You won’t be able to sell your free hosted blog
It is a bitter truth that you can’t sell your free hosted blog, let us make you understand with an example. If you read the terms and conditions of they have clearly mentioned that you can’t sell, transfer and share your Blogspot blog with any other person. You can sell it secretly to other people but in the case the company catch of identifies that you are disobeying the company’s terms and conditions then they would officially remove your blog and even from search engine index also.
No safety and no control over server resources for you
As I’ve given you an example above let me do it again to make you clear that there isn’t safety and control on server resources. Example there was a company (2ip) that provided free hosting services and used to have hundreds of thousands of users. But suddenly their server hacked by hackers then after a few days the company sent mailed to their users and informed them that they are not able to get their data back. And as a result, free web hosting is not safe for your site and you will not be able to control your blog server resources.
Hidden costs and no technical support
Many free web hosting providing company has a various hidden cost that incurs you some cost and can result in hefty bills. you are not allowed to have access of FTP support and when you start to use web hosting services for free, you won’t get access to help and technical support from the server administrator.
Advertisement trouble and no redirect option
as it is a free hosting so you won’t get some features that could be important for you and for your site data files. And here is another problem that the company can place advertisements on your site where they want to place it to make money from it. And there is no option remains you can’t even demand to a company that where the advertisements should be placed. Also, you won’t get redirect option in the free hosted website it means you are not able to redirect your links to other domains. Lack of professional control panel simply means no control to manage or maintain your hosting services.
Don’t get attracted on non-guarantees of domains
People who don’t have much knowledge about TLD’s, gTLD and sub domains can easily cozen by the company. Because from the sources we get that, example is not TLD and means it’s your own domain but if you get it means a subdomain. So be clear about domain name and subdomain name and don’t attract to free domains. We simply want to make you understand that don’t fall in free deals or catchy advertisements. Because no one is giving you anything for free without their benefits if it is immediately or after some time.
Not a good practice for a legitimate business
Owning a business website is an important strategy and if you are thinking to start your online business then you must prefer a professional web hosting company. And get own identity or brand in the digital world. Because free services never worth and it is not good for any business sites. If you really want to make your business popular all over the world it never happens with free web hosting. You have to spend some money and hire a professional hosting company.
Lack of reliability
You surely not aware that most of the free hosting company’s server is rented from the well popular and big hosting companies. This is not reliable because these servers are not built to support and connections and having risks for your site. You will face many technical issues and risks when buying free hosting.
Support center
When you choose free hosting service for your site one thing remember that you won’t get any support center service. If you get any issue or technical problem then you have to be your own support center because there is no one to help you from a free web hosting company. And on another side of paid-hosting, you will get 24/7 hour customer care support.
These times everybody falls for free and don’t want to make expenses those free hosting services and then what they got? Nothing! As we said above the problems and issues that cause from free web hosting services you will be aware and got some knowledge that could be helpful to you. And would help you next time whenever you think to buy free web hosting for your site. We just want to help people to save them from these catch things because we know how precious your business or data is important to you that you never wanna lose. So choose the right web hosting service provider for your site and let people know your business with your own domain.
You just need to do a bit research on the best web hosting company and you would get the one perfect hosting company that might be in your budget. If you already having your free host then this is the perfect time to move it to your new domain. And we are not trying you to convince to buy paid hosting service we just want to make you aware about the limitations and what problems you could be faced when you buy free web hosting service. Read this Why People Should Avoid Free Web Hosting Services.